T862203 FLOSS Projects 3 cu
408 478 573
This Master level course is an introduction to Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS), or Open Source Software (OSS) for short, development. It is organized as workshop and project format, so active participation is of great importance.
The student knows the most important project models used in Free/Libre/Open Source Software development projects and is able to analyze the operation and see the key factors of such a project. He or she knows how to participate in a FLOSS project productively, or how to start up a new FLOSS project.
Open source projects related to wireless and/or embedded systems especially with participation by companies are studied. Participation in a FLOSS project. FLOSS-specific aspects of software development and project management.
Material presented on these web pages and at the workshop sessions, as well as material created in the projects.
Grading scale 0-5.